What is MHI's mission?

Our mission is to provide a free high quality academic and vocational education for Haitian children to empower them to attain self-sufficiency and to become leaders in their communities. Show your support by contributing to the cause..

How long has MHI been around?

MHI was registered officially in the state of FL on November 13, 2008. MHI was certified as a recognized non-profit organization in 2010.

How did MHI get started?

The founder of MHI, Jordani Pluviose, moved back to his native Haiti in 2003. While there, he observed children in the streets when they should be in school. Children were often times hungry and denied access to education. Originally Jordani tried to partner with other organizations, but it was difficult to find organizations that aligned with his mission. The catalyst for MHI to launch its own school was in 2010 when Jordani returned to rebuild schools after the earthquake.

Why was MHI created?

MHI was created to provide quality education in Haiti. Most government-funded schools are overcrowded, sometimes housing 45-80 students in a single classroom. Also, these public schools do not provide any financial assistance for families who lack the resources for uniforms and supplies.

What is MHI's goal this year (2022)?

  • Raising more funds
  • Expanding the donor base and maintaining donors
  • Securing a donor for each student
  • Achieving an average of $4,500 in monthly donations

Why are these goals important?

These goals would give MHI room to grow and enable the school to cover the basic expenses such as meals, supplies, textbooks, and teachers' salaries.

What percentage of donations goes directly to students and staff?

92% goes towards the staff and students at the school in Haiti, and the remaining percentage goes towards maintenance.

Who are the people that run the organization?

The President, Jordani Pluviose (Founder), Edwidge Severe (director), and the Board of Directors (four members).

How many schools does MHI sponsor?

17, this includes a principal, teachers, lunch attendants, janitorial staff, and security.

How many students attend the school?


Which grades attend the school?

Kindergarten 6th grade

How do you measure the impact of MHI's operation?

We are making an uncountable difference each time a child is taken off the streets to study. The impact is immeasurable when a new student learns how to read. We measure the impact by the number of school children who successfully pass on to the next grade, slowly growing into the productive citizens the teachers are shaping them to become.

What are MHI's strategic long-term plans?

We would like to get parents more engaged with their children's education. Many of the parents are experiencing poverty, barely being able to provide food even once a day for their family. One day we would like to acquire land to potentially farm and grow food. The larger goal would be to eventually turn the school into a boarding school.

Where does most of MHI's funding come from?

Grants, recurring donors, soccer tournament, selling meals, and other fundraising campaigns. Would you consider becoming a donor today?

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With your help, we are able to have quality professors and school supplies for our school. Become a donor today and join us as we work to build a path to a brighter future for our students

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© 2022 Many Hands International, Inc. A 501 (c)(3) Non-Profit Organization All Rights Reserved - Many Hands International, Inc www.ourmhi.org



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